

Does Ogden Art Studio teach one on one sessions or group sessions?2023-06-06T15:40:50-05:00

Ogden Art Studio provides both one on one sessions and groups up to 4.

What age bracket must parent be present for the class?2023-06-06T16:11:10-05:00

Between 5 and 12 years old.

Do you teach young children?2023-06-06T15:27:23-05:00

Yes, the youngest is 5 years old.
( 1 parent must be present for class in the waiting room area.)

Does the studio provide art supplies?2023-06-05T19:04:34-05:00

Yes, Ogden Art Studio provides art supplies although canvas for painting will cost $5.00 and $60.00 for paint.

How long are daily art sessions?2024-01-12T11:20:26-06:00

The length of sessions is 1 hour.

What courses get taught?2023-06-05T18:21:40-05:00

Ogden Art Studio teaches the following:

  • Drawing
  • Pastel
  • Acrylic Painting
What do you charge for studio sessions?2023-06-05T19:06:48-05:00

 6 sessions for $300.00.

(For painting sessions $360.00.)

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